Ultimate Questions
Ultimate Questions Have you ever asked yourself: What is the meaning of life? Is there a purpose for existence? Why are there so many...

A Biblical Glimpse of Hell
Click here to get a biblical glimpse of hell and to find out how to escape hell and how to have everlasting life

Is Romanism in the Bible? Or Hundred Questions Which Roman Catholics Cannot Answer
Read this very good small booklet by Stephen L. Testa which proves that the Roman Catholic doctrines and practices are not found in the...

The Way of Salvation
The Way of Salvation By J. C. Ryle (1816-1900) Where must a man go for pardon? Where is forgiveness to be found? There is a way both sure...

About the Lord Jesus Christ
About the Lord Jesus Christ Dear friend, I am going to be telling you about the Lord Jesus and how wonderful He is. I trust that after...

Come Unto Me
Come Unto Me "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28). Have you sins, or have you...

Are You Prepared for Eternity?
Are You Prepared for Eternity? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved..." (Acts 16:31). In looking over my account...

The Deity of Christ and the Resurrection of Christ - The Foundation of Our Faith
The Deity of Christ and the Resurrection of Christ – The Foundation of Our Faith I want to discuss two of the most important Christian...

The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity
The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity a. Theological Definition The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith states, “The Lord our God is but one...

Charles Spurgeon on the Error of Infant Baptism
Where did the errors of the church of Rome come from? Were they all born in a day? No, they came by slow degrees. It happened thus:—I...