What is the Meaning of & Purpose of Life
What is the meaning and purpose of life? Why are we here? Are we just here for a few years on earth to eat, sleep, and work? What is the...

Charles Darwin Admitted that it is Absurd to Believe that the Eye Could have been Formed by Natural
“To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different...

Evolution Vs. God
Evolution Vs. God By Ray Comfort An excellent video defending creation against evolution.

Eight Lies You Hear On Campus and In the World
Eight Lies You Hear On Campus and In the World By Richard Ochs Lie #1: In order to believe the Bible one must commit intellectual...

Evolution or Creation?
Evolution or Creation? is designed to enable the reader to see for himself the scientific evidence, and the theory of origins to which it...