Only One Life, 'twill Soon be Past

"For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out" (1 Tim. 6:7).
This poem is so true. When you die you can't take anything with you. You can't take your money, your 401-K or your college degrees with you. What are your priorities here on earth? Have you come to know your Creator, the Lord Jesus? Do you just think of this life only and ignore the life to come? Are you so indifferent about the things of God and you simply don't care about the Bible and Jesus Christ. Are you content with just going through motions and just taking the religion of your family as a tradition. Are you not taking the responsibility to seek and know the truth? Do you think of eternity? Do you think of the life to come? Don't you know there is a hell waiting for those who reject Christ as their Savior. The Devil has everyone so wrapped in the things of this world that they have no thoughts of eternity. You have no guarantee of tomorrow. Christ might come today. You might die today. Repent and put your trust in Christ Jesus today. Salvation is not by works but by faith in Christ.